Diablo 4 player discovers secret Season 5 Sorcerer-exclusive transmog

Anyka Pettigrew
Diablo 4 Sorcerer close up in cutscene

Plenty of items throughout Diablo 4 can be Salvaged to unlock their transmog look in the Wardrobe. However, one Season 5 reward grants Sorcerer players a skin that’s never obtainable before now.

One specific Focus for Sorcerers is called Istel’s Grimoire. It is not only a Tome transmog, which typically cannot be obtained in the Wardrobe, but also only works if you salvage it as the Sorcerer class.

One player on Reddit discovered this and posted their findings on the Diablo 4 subreddit. The poster explained that Istel’s Grimoire is a reward granted to players by the end of the seasonal questline.

This item is not flagged as anything that could drop in the world, just like around 30 other items in the game. However, players could still salvage items with identical appearances and specific classes to gain the look in their Wardrobe.

The poster continued to explain how, until Season of the Infernal Hordes, no obtainable item with the same appearance as the Tome existed to receive this look.

Once this Season ends in two months, players will lose the chance to gain the Tome for good. The only thing that would change this is if Blizzard decides to activate the Tome transmog in Season 6, but so far we have no evidence of this happening.

With how exclusive this secret Tome transmog is, anyone playing as a Sorcerer should complete the Season 5 questline just for the grimoire.

If you chose any other class, Salvaging this grimoire won’t grant you the transmog. One player explained how they Salvaged it and didn’t receive the look, but this was because they were the Barbarian class.

Dedicated Sorcerer players, or Diablo 4 completionists in general, may want to make a seasonal Sorcerer just to get this Season 5 cosmetic. It’ll no doubt be a rare find one day if Blizzard decides to keep the transmog under lock and key.