Diablo 4 player with 500 hours played ranks every class at Level 100

Andrew Highton
all diablo 4 classes in battle

Quite remarkably, a D4 player has managed to hit the max Level 100 cap with every Diablo 4 class in the game. To give the community some insight, they’ve described their experiences and ranked each class in order.

Diablo 4 has five classes for players to try out and experiment: Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, and Sorcerer. Each one offers various benefits and is tailored to specific gameplay styles. Want to avoid close-range fisticuffs with Demons? Then something ranged like a Sorcerer or Necromancer will do the job. Are you the opposite and thrive on a face-to-face scrap? Then the Barbarian is what you need.

Traditionally, players typically find a class they enjoy and stick to it. Occasionally, they might venture out and see what else there is on offer – especially with the seasonal model system in D4. It’s not common though for players to use each class extensively though – particularly reaching Level 100 with each one!

This is exactly what one Diablo 4 player has achieved and they documented their journey and ranked each one at the end.

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It took just under 500 hours, but Diablo 4 Reddit player Risp_91 did the unthinkable. They hit Level 100 with all five classes. In a post titled “My 489 hours Diablo 4 journey so far with all classes at 100,” they explained their journey.

Now, the actual content is highly detailed and lengthy, so we won’t cover everything. However, the user explained how they started with the Sorcerer and worked their way through them all: “This would probably be #2 on the list. This character had by far the best gear (simply due to the game time among others) but damage output was the weakest by far, but it was such a thrill.”

The Druid was a 7/10 and third on their list, whereas the Barbarian was a 6/10 and fourth on the list. The bottom spot shockingly went to the popular Necromancer: “Based on Bone Spear 5/10. The damage is too much, which makes the game far too easy as it already is. I understand people want high numbers, but especially in Dungeons with small corridors you can just spam Bone Spear in front of you and everything dies.”

By now, you’ve probably worked out that Rogue has taken the number one spot. The OP gave their reasoning as to why this was: “End rating of the Rogue – 9/10. Absolutely love this man. Sorcerer is my favorite class of all but everything fits so perfectly together on Rogue. This should be the standard. All builds are viable, the mobility, no Uniques required. Just empowering Uniques. In my opinion, that is, obviously.”

The community enjoyed reading the post and one user said: “Truly glad for you having fun on leveling all classes to 100. That’s an achievement not all people can get.”

Do you agree with the player’s rankings of every Diablo 4 class? This kind of topic is always going to be fiercely contested no matter what. It is about to become easier to level up classes though thanks to the Mother’s Blessing Weekend which will increase XP & Gold gain.