Diablo 4 players blast Vessel of Hatred’s “filler” campaign

Ethan Dean
diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred featured image

Diablo 4 players waited over a year for a continuation of the game’s campaign but Vessel of Hatred feels like “filler” to many.

Diablo 4 is experiencing a boom thanks to the simultaneous launch of the Season of Hatred Rising and the Vessel of Hatred expansion. A major overhaul from the 2.0 update and the introduction of a new class and mechanics with the DLC makes the game feel fresher than ever.

New inclusions like the Kurast Undercity and Dark Citadel have been generally well received along with the rest of the expansion. Unfortunately, Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred’s new campaign is a bit of a sore point.

After a lengthy wait for the next chapter in the Diablo 4 story, Vessel of Hatred has missed the mark for fans of the franchise. Issues with Neyrelle and an “unfulfilling” climax have players bemoaning the whole experience.

Without spoiling any specific beats, by the end of Vessel of Hatred’s short campaign, Sanctuary is in a pretty similar spot to where it was when Diablo 4 wrapped up. Neyrelle is safe but the cliffhanger you’re left on boils down to the looming threat of Mephisto hanging over the world which was the catalyst for the DLC anyway.

“The entire expansion was so unfulfilling,” one player elaborated in a Reddit thread complaining about Vessel of Hatred’s story. “We saw nothing of Mephisto. It was an entirely filler campaign with basically no pay-off.”

This seems to be the general consensus among those who have seen the campaign through to the end. “It definitely felt like a season, not an expansion. More of the same really,” one player opined. “ It felt like I spent several hours playing an Ad for the next expansion. That’s the best way I can describe it,” another added.

Given the reveal at the end of the campaign, it does seem as if players will be in for something a little more impactful during Diablo 4’s next expansion. Unfortunately, there’s no word on exactly when that will be given that Vessel of Hatred has only just arrived.