Diablo 4 players call for major Sorcerer changes after meager buffs

Liam Ho
Sorcerer in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 players have called for major revamps to the Sorcerer class after being disappointed by the minor buffs they received in a recent patch.

Diablo 4 is still thriving well after its release on June 6, 2023. The ARPG has been an absolute success for Blizzard selling a fantastic $666 million in just the release week and breaking records as a result. Unlike its previous iterations, Diablo 4 is focused on a more open-world style of gameplay and offers a live service model which will feature seasonal updates.

As a live service game, Blizzard is ensuring the game stays up-to-date and balanced through new patches. These patches shift power for classes, ensuring they maintain a somewhat balanced state. The most recent patch for Diablo 4 saw some nice buffs to the magical Sorcerer class.

Wielding the arcane, sorcerers were the most created class on Diablo 4’s launch. However, since that time, the class has received a decent amount of nerfs, bringing it to the state of today. Even with the recent buffs, many have felt that the class is still fundamentally broken, calling for major changes.

byu/Quave11 from discussion

Diablo 4 players request major revamp to Sorcerers in future seasons

“The problem with Sorcerer is that the issues are ingrained in the fundamental structure of the class… To change any of that would require significant fundamental changes to the game or the class” one popular post on Reddit argued.

Many players believe that the Sorcerer class is fundamentally flawed at this point in time, and that “fundamental” changes won’t come until season 2 at the earliest.

byu/Quave11 from discussion

It’s uncertain if Sorcerers will receive the love they need in an upcoming patch, but according to players, the class is definitely in need of a tune-up.