Diablo 4 players claim Greater Rifts make The Pit feel like a “mobile game”

Ethan Dean
diablo 4 gold

Diablo 4 players are looking to its predecessor’s endgame with renewed fondness after frustrations with The Artificer’s Pit reached a boiling point.

Diablo 4 Season 4 constituted a major overhaul of the game from the ground up. Changes to crafting mechanics, inventory management, and Helltides were all implemented to help the season live up to its title, Loot Reborn.

Along with these alterations to the base Diablo 4 experience, The Artificer’s Pit was introduced as Diablo 4’s penultimate endgame challenge. Of course, players have had their issues with The Pit since its addition to the game including troublesome one-shot mechanics and inconsistent respawns.

Even with Blizzard’s efforts to fix some of The Pit’s nagging issues, nostalgic Diablo 4 players can’t help but compare it to Diablo 3’s Greater Rifts. Many think that The Pit is missing what made Greater Rifts enjoyable and this is primarily due to the rewards on offer.

Reddit user GonzoPunchi took to the Diablo 4 forum on the site to question why The Pit didn’t seem to offer the same sense of satisfaction as Greater Rifts. “ I genuinely don’t understand. When I played Diablo 3, Greater Rifts were tons of fun. Pits don’t give me the same feeling at all,” they complained.

“Diablo 4 worked itself into a spot where we grind for currencies to get our items,” One player explained. “It’s mobile game mechanics in what’s supposed to be a full desktop experience.

The primary rewards for completing runs in The Pit are crafting materials that allow players to engage in the new Masterworking mechanic, allowing you to improve your endgame gear further.

Diablo 3’s Greater Rifts rewarded players with abundant new loot and the potential to add more powerful gear to their build immediately.

Enemies will still drop loot in The Pit but it’s certainly not on the same level that Greater Rifts offered. Players had hoped that there might be a shift towards more loot in The Pit for Diablo 4 Season 5.

We now know that the next Season will introduce Infernal Hordes which may give more loot-hungry Diablo 4 fans what they’re after.