Diablo 4 players frustrated as “garbage loot” grinds endgame farming to a halt
Blizzard EntertainmentDiablo 4 Season 7 is off to a positive start, but players who kill bosses are still reporting receiving piles of worthless “garbage” rather than quality loot.
With each season, Diablo 4’s devs need to get a delicate balance right, they need to ensure that it’s not too easy to obtain the best loot, but also ensure player’s efforts are rewarded. Luck must always play a factor in loot drops, but the game’s players are becoming increasingly frustrated by what they perceive as Diablo 4’s inconsistency.
In Season 4 and 5, the loot balance felt right, but many players feel like this has shifted somewhat since Season 7 went live, possibly due to the game expanding since Vessel of Hatred was released. Diablo 4 had adopted a “less but, better quality loot” stance since Season 4, but now players feel like this has been abandoned.
“Piles of garbage”
In a Reddit thread, one player posted, “I’m having fun this season, but man am I getting tired of looking at piles of garbage loot again lol. I remember they had a goal of having better quality drop with less of them in general. I’d be all for that goal to come back again.”
Another player responded, echoing the original poster’s sentiments, saying, “I fully agree. They screwed with drops again and flood the screen with useless nonGA legendaries.”
However, another player argued that Blizzard can’t win and that if they shift the balance the other way, this will also lead to complaints. They said, “If GA drop is buffed, people will complain about most of their GAs were healing received or life per 5 seconds lol.”
Another player noted the futility of the debate and pointed out that different players want different things from Diablo 4 based on the free time they have to commit to such a game.
They said, “Does the quality really matter if it all drops in like 2 days? I think a balance is needed in both those things. I understand that some have limited time and enjoy the loot showers but really … I feel so many people today just ignore a big part of what makes these games fun – finding your own way through, improvising, building up your character.”
It seems unlikely that this debate will ever fully go away, as whatever Blizzard does to tweak loot drops will incur the frustration of someone. However, it does feel like Season 4 and 5 had a more balanced approach before Vessl of Hatred.
The good news is that loot isn’t the only reward you can earn in Season 7.