Diablo 4 Season 5 hotfix finally nerfs frustrating Infernal Hordes enemy

Ethan Dean
diablo 4 xp glitch

Blizzard has released a new Hotfix for Diablo 4 Season 5 which takes care of some unintended damage being dealt by multiple enemies.

Diablo 4 Season 5 has been a little rough around the edges with fans of the game dubbing it the “Season of Infernal Bugs”. Some hiccups when rolling out Patch 1.5.1 and the Mother’s Blessing tie-in event didn’t help it beat the allegations.

Thankfully, Blizzard has just implemented the first Hotfix for Patch 1.5.1 and at the top of their to-do list was nerfing a few enemies and bosses that had some flaws with their damage scaling. Of particular note are the Desecrators found in Diablo 4 Season 5’s titular Infernal Hordes.

Players had jokingly referred to this particular mob as the new Uber Lilith. It turns out, Desecrators just needed a little tune-up, along with some other endgame encounters.

diablo 4 july 10 patch

Hotfix 1 for Patch 1.5.1 is mercifully short reading compared to the 10,000-plus words of its predecessor. The new changes to Diablo 4 are as follows:

  • Fixed several issues where the following enemies were dealing more damage than intended
    • Desecrator in Infernal Horde
    • Beast in the Ice and summoned monsters during the encounter
    • Hellborne

  • Various performance and Stability improvements.

Short and sweet. While the fixes to Beast in Ice and Hellborne are appreciated, the real treat is the nerf to Desecrator. Players had been calling for Blizzard to nerf the enemy for weeks after its bugged status became apparent.

On the Diablo 4 Subreddit, users were reporting being one-shot by the enemy despite having multiple defensive skills stacked.

“Just ate s**t in T6 Hordes as a Druid with 85k HP, Earthen Bulwark up, and about 60% DR while Unstoppable,” one player relayed in a thread complaining about the Desecrators. “I think it is a bug because it one-shots with the projectile no matter the level. I can clear anything else face rolling, but Desecrator just one-shots,” another added presciently.

Fortunately, those troubles are at an end and the new-and-improved (for us anyway) Desecrators should behave themselves. Infernal Hordes are safe again… relatively.