Diablo 4 trading temporarily disabled following reports of item duplication bug

Brianna Reeves
diablo 4 trading

Blizzard developers have hurriedly suspended Diablo 4’s trading function amid reports of a new item duplication bug.

Yet another item duplication glitch has found its way into Diablo 4, inundating the in-game economy with a ton of duped items.

Reports about the duplication bug note that streams on TikTok and other services show players duplicating and stacking countless, usually hard-to-find, items. Diablo 4 content creator Rob2628 also called out the glitch, saying “thousands of dupe[d] materials” had started to flood the market.

“There apparently has been a stream in China where the duplication exploit has been shared publicly to thousands of live viewers,” the streamer further explained in a Twitter/X post.

diablo 4 trading

Blizzard Entertainment has taken swift action by temporarily suspending trading in Diablo 4. Community Manager Adam Fletcher shared the news on Blizzard Forums, telling fans the team has already launched an investigation into the matter.

“We will be disabling trading in Diablo IV while we investigate a possible duplication issue. We apologize for the disruption and will provide updates on when we will have trading available again once we further investigate and identify any issues we need to resolve.”

The developer has not confirmed how long trading will remain inactive in Diablo 4. In the past, though, similar disruptions have lasted for several days at a time, so it’s possible a fix for the item duplication bug won’t go live for at least a few days.

This is the latest in a series of issues to arise during Diablo 4 Season 5. Since the seasonal update’s August 6 launch, Blizzard has released three different hotfixes to address problems concerning Infernal Compasses, Greater Affix chests, XP bugs, excessive item drops, and more.

But, as noted above, item duplication troubles have reared their head several times in Diablo 4, with the first known instance occurring in August 2023.