Diablo Immortal Season 13 patch notes

Sam Smith
Diablo Immortal Season 13

Diablo Immortal’s Season 13 patch is now live, bringing with it a boss rush mode and a range of other adjustments. Here’s everything we know. 

The Season 13 patch for Diablo Immortal‘s Knights Penitent update has introduced some significant changes such as the Helliquary Gauntlet, the return of the Fractured Plane, and much more.

The developers have also added various other changes such as new bug fixes, balancing, and cosmetics. Here’s everything we know about the changes to the game in the latest round of patch notes. To learn more about Diablo Season 13, check out our guide.

Diablo Immortal season 13

When does update Season 13 start?

The Diablo Season 13 patch will be live in all time zones from May 10, 2023.

For more information on your time zone, check out the official Blizzard blog or our own Season 13 guide.

Diablo Immortal Season 13 patch details

Here are the Diablo Immortal Season 13 patch notes in full:

Helliquary Raid

Helliquary Raids have been updated in two ways:

  • When a player dies more than once during a Raid, resurrecting them will incur an increasing cooldown.
  • When Helliquary bosses enrage, they will periodically emit a damaging pulse which scales in damage after each use.

Class Balance and Legendary Item Adjustments

Reduction of Incoming Damage for Ranged Classes

The Demon Hunter, Necromancer, and Wizard Classes will now have an innate 15% reduction of incoming damage from players. The Barbarian, Crusader, and Monk Classes will continue to have an innate 30% reduction of incoming damage from players, as they always have.

Barbarian Skill and Legendary Affix Adjustments

The following represent adjustments made to the base version of each skill:

  • Leap: The cooldown has been reduced from 12 to 9 seconds.
  • Undying Rage: The duration has decreased from 4.75 to 4 seconds. The healing amount received from damage done to players during Undying Rage has decreased from 30% to 15%. The healing amount will remain at 30% for damage done to monsters during Undying Rage.

The following represent adjustments made to the existing functionality of several Legendary Items:

  • Animal Instinct: Leap’s time to reach maximum charge has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Cracklefell: Chained Spear will now hurl 3 projectiles, but the same enemy can only be hit by 1 projectile per cast.
  • Charred Iron: Chained Spear will now hurl 3 projectiles, but the same enemy can only be hit by 1 projectile per cast.
  • Impaler’s Breath: Chained Spear will now hurl 3 projectiles, but the same enemy can only be hit by 1 projectile per cast.
  • Sundered Legacy: Wrath of the Berserker’s Burn damage has been reduced.

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Crusader Skill and Legendary Affix Adjustments

The following represents an adjustment made to the base version of this skill:

  • Sweep Attack: The time to reach maximum charge has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.

The following represent adjustments made to the existing functionality of several Legendary Items:

  • Adamant Lash: Spinning Shield will now be unable to Stun the same player more than once every 3 seconds.
  • Air Splitter: Falling Sword’s time to reach maximum charge has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Impassible Sanctum: Shield Charge now grants immunity to knockbacks for its full duration.
  • Pillager’s Greaves: Shield Charge’s time to reach maximum charge has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Suspended Rule: Sweep Attack’s uncharged and fully charged damage has been increased.
  • The Recreant: The delay time before Sacred Chain explodes has been reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.

Demon Hunter Skill and Legendary Affix Adjustments

The following represent adjustments made to the base version of each skill:

  • Knife Trap: The arming time has been reduced from 1.4 to 0.7 seconds. Knife Trap no longer has a restriction on placing more than one trap in the same position.
  • Knockback Shot: The cooldown has been reduced from 12 to 9 seconds.
  • Strafe: The maximum potential channeling time has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds.

The following represents an adjustment made to the existing functionality of a Legendary Item:

  • Sjikar: Strafe’s damage has been increased.
  • Monk Legendary Item Adjustments

The following represent adjustments made to the existing functionality of several Legendary Items:

  • Endless Trial: Imprisoned Fist’s damage has been increased.
  • Gergel’s Familiarity: Mystic Strike’s cooldown has been reduced from 12 to 9 seconds.
  • Leering Riptide: Wave Strike’s uncharged and fully charged damage has been increased and its time to reach maximum charge has been reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Power of Undulation: Wave Strike’s damage has been increased, and the maximum potential channeling time has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Shimmerlinn: Wave of Light’s damage has been decreased. Subsequent hits on the same enemy have been reduced from 30% to 25% damage.
  • Willbillow: Wave Strike’s damage has been increased and the attack’s animation will end sooner.

Necromancer Skill and Legendary Item Adjustments

The following represent adjustments made to the base version of each skill:

  • Corpse Explosion: Enemies struck by multiple simultaneous explosions now take 30% cumulatively reduced damage for each additional hit instead of the previous 40%.
  • Grim Scythe: The damage has been increased and now generates 3 corpses instead of the previous 2.

The following represent adjustments made to the existing functionality of several Legendary Items:

  • Coals for Eyes: Command Skeleton’s explosion damage has been increased. Skeletal champions are now raised every 6 seconds instead of the previous 8.
  • Grave Cutter: Grim Scythe’s maximum charges have been increased from 1 to 2 and will now generate corpses for each enemy hit.
  • Thrash Jaw: Grim Scythe’s maximum charges have been increased from 1 to 2 and will now generate corpses for each enemy hit.

Wizard Legendary Affix Adjustments

The following represent adjustments made to the existing functionality of several Legendary Items:

  • Arcane Intensifiers: Disintegrate’s cooldown has been reduced from 12 to 9 seconds.
  • Heart of the Storm: Ice Armor’s damage has been increased.
  • Kyn’s Cryoclasp: Ray of Frost’s cooldown has been reduced from 12 to 9 seconds.
  • Robes of the Avalanche: Ray of Frost’s damage has been increased.
  • Winter’s Eye: Ice Armor’s damage has been increased.

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Accursed Towers

We’ve received a variety of feedback around one tower bonus and have adjusted both this tower and improved Cursed Shards gathering to better balance Accused Towers.

Starting with the next Accursed Towers season, the 20% increase to PvP damage provided by the Tower of Fortitude will be replaced with a bonus that provides a 10% increase to Life in Battleground, Challenge of the Immortal, Rite of Exile, and Shadow War.

Additionally, the pickup radius of Cursed Shards in PvE matches has been increased.

Battleground Queue Cancelation Penalty Iteration

The Battleground queue cancelation penalty that was introduced in a previous content update has been iterated upon. Now, players who cancel Battleground matches on the Match Found screen will incur a penalty that increases upon each offense, with a maximum 20-minute penalty where the offender won’t be able to queue.

Developer’s Note: The original penalty helped to curb some of the negative behavior we initially observed, but we felt the queuing process could be improved by making the penalty more severe for those that are determined to disrupt matchmaking.

Activity Calendar

To equip Clans and Warbands with additional scheduling features to aid in planning activities, the option to schedule an Event to recur weekly has been added to the Activity Calendar.

Cosmetics Inventory Display

The Cosmetics in the Inventory Cosmetics tab will now display rarity frames to help players differentiate between tiers.

View Equipped Cosmetics on Others

The exact Cosmetics a player is wearing and where to obtain them can now be viewed through that player’s profile via a new Cosmetics tab.

Horadric Bestiary

The chance of obtaining a new Bestiary Page is increased when offering Monstrous Essence to the Horadric Altar for the first time each day.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where Ancestral Weapon Properties wouldn’t take effect.


  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to join the Purge the Depths activity through the Party Finder’s interface.
  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to see the entirety of a party member’s information if their party was full.

So that’s all the Diablo Season 13 patch notes. Check out some of our other Diablo Immortal guides below:

Demon Hunter builds | Best Barbarian builds | Best Necromancer builds | Best Wizard builds | Best Monk Builds | Best Crusader builds | Diablo Immortal Paragon level guide | Best builds for all character classes in Season 2 | Diablo Immortal tier lists | Diablo Immortal Shadow War guide