Surprise Diablo 4 September 14 update boosts EXP and fixes Seeds of Hatred

Ethan Dean
lilith in diablo 4

Diablo 4’s development team just dropped a surprise hotfix that gives with one hand and takes with the other. Buffs to EXP gains in higher World Tiers are watered down by a nerf to broken Seeds of Hatred gains.

Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant is two-thirds of the way through its run. Despite a rocky start thanks to a poorly received opening patch, some course corrections have taken place.

The recent Patch 1.1.4 fixed more bugs and gave a major buff to Urn of Aggression rewards. Though these small changes haven’t stopped players from suggesting a massive overhaul for the impending Diablo 4 Season of Blood.

While Diablo 4’s September 14 hotfix published to Blizzard’s blog brings very few changes to the game, they are significant. A major buff to EXP in later World Tiers is a welcome improvement but it does come at the cost of a Seeds of Hatred exploit.

an image of a location of Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 September 14 Hotfix notes

The changes to Diablo 4 per the September 14 update are as follows:

Game updates:

  • Experience gains for killing monsters has been increased in World Tiers 3 & 4
    • World Tier 3: Experience gain increased by 5%
    • World Tier 4: Experience gain increased by 15%

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Seeds of Hatred could be acquired at an excessive rate in certain scenarios.

More EXP for monster kills in later World Tiers is a massive plus to players on the grind. It might even make Diablo 4’s Nightmare Dungeons more appealing after a mathematically-minded fan proved the redundancy of the higher tiers.

diablo 4 world bosses

That’s the entirety of Diablo 4’s September 14 update. While it’s not a lengthy Hotfix, it should improve the game’s playability somewhat for those still grinding.

If you’re after more on Diablo 4 and want to improve your efficiency, check out Dexerto’s list of guides for the game.

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