Underpowered Seneschal Companion finally fixed in Diablo 4 v1.3.0a update

Sam Smith
Diablo 4 character with spider companion

The Diablo 4 Season 3 1.3.0a patch fixes an issue with the Seneschal Companion, making your robot ally much more useful in battle.

The 1.3.0a patch for Diablo 4 has fixed a key complaint about the Seneschal Companion in Diablo 4, effectively making the follower much more powerful in combat. While Blizzard hasn’t buffed the companion or its moves directly, they’ve made upgrading the little robot spider much easier by helping players get their hands on the required materials, such as Governing and Turning Stones.

These stones effectively control the attacks the Seneschal Companion can do and how powerful they are. So, by giving players access to more Stones, they can create more powerful load-outs for the construct and turn the Seneschal Companion into a more effective weapon against the forces of Hell. Not only that, it’ll improve the buffs the Seneschal Companion can cast on the player, improving their power as well.

diablo 4 Seneschal Companion

Both Governing and Turning Stones can now be unlocked by completing Tree of Whispers events, a key component of seasonal play. This alone means that most players will see way more Stones than they would have before the latest patch. Max-level Stones now also offer 150 to 200 Shattered Stones, making crafting much easier and less of a grind.

The Son of Malphas enemy now also drops various Governing and Turning Stones upon defeat, and Seneschal Stone Caches will also contain at least two. Blizzard has also done away with the various costs when it comes to crafting both types of Stone. Now, each will cost 200 Shattered Stones and 20 Iron Chunks, and this won’t increase as the player levels. However, the EXP required still will, but this has been reduced.

While the 1.3.0a patch has made a variety of changes across Diablo 4 Season 3, fixing bugs and balancing issues, we believe this is by far the most noticeable and helpful. After all, the main draw of Season 3 is the Seneschal Companion, and now that the issues around this appear to be resolved, the season can hopefully get back on track.