When is Diablo 3 Season 34: Light’s Calling? Start date & more

Sam Smith
diablo 3 season 34

Diablo 3 Seasons have been a remix of old ones since Diablo 4 arrived. Here’s what you need to know about Diablo 3 Season 34: Light’s Calling.

Since Diablo 4’s release, Diablo 3 announced that new seasonal content would be stopping as the game started to make way for its sequel’s seasons. However, Seasons have continued in a new form, utilizing concepts from the previous thirty. So be aware, this isn’t new content, but it is a new season of Diablo 3.

While Diablo 3 Season 29 was officially the final season of Diablo 3 to feature new content, Season 30 and subsequent seasons have continued to recycle old themes. Season 34 is one of these, so here’s everything we know about this latest outing.

diablo 3 the butcher
The Darkening of Tristram will still be ongoing when Season 34 begins.

When does Diablo 3 Season 34 start?

Season 34: Light’s Calling begins on January 24 at 5pm PST/CET/KST/GMT server time.

Also, Season 33 will officially come to an end on January 19, 5pm server time in every region.

Diablo 3 Season 34 details

In Season 32, Diablo 3 will revive the Light’s Calling theme, which originally debuted back in Season 27.

Players will need to recover Angelic Crucibles, a consumable item that’s used to “Sanctify” any equippable Legendary item, infusing it with one of three new class-specific powers at random.

Essentially, the season’s gimmick involves boosting weapons for fun effects and massive damage. The season also takes place alongside the 2025 Darkening of Tristram, at least until that event ends on January 31, 2025.

Players should look to wrap up their Season 33 characters now, sending all items to storage and prepare to enter the non-seasonal (Eternal) realm.

You can also check out our Diablo 3 tier list to see which classes are best as we head into Season 34.