Diablo 4: Where to find the Aspect of Torment

Andrew Highton
diablo 4 aspect of torment graphic

Diablo 4 has many Legendary Aspects and one of the most sought-after is the Necromancer’s Aspect of Torment. For tips on how to acquire it and what it does, our guide has you covered.

Legendary Aspects provide some outstanding buffs to your builds in Diablo 4 and can be pulled from one item and added to another. From additional elemental damage with certain weapons to an increased chance of landing crits, Aspects grant all sorts of powers – and there are a lot of them!

The one we’re focusing on today though is the game’s Aspect of Torment. Another Legendary Aspect with tremendous power and potential, players need to seek it out. We understand that Sanctuary is rather vast and deadly, so to help you out, our speedy guide will dash through the basics.

black asylum location on diablo 4 map

How to get Aspect of Tormet in Diablo 4

If you’re seeking the Aspect of Torment in Diablo 4, you need to either extract it from any Legendary Gear that happens to feature it, or most likely, complete the Black Asylum Dungeon.

We’re going to concentrate on the Black Asylum Dungeon with a quick walkthrough on how to complete it and obtain your Aspect with a 100% guarantee:

  1. Head to the Fractured Peaks region.
  2. You can find the Dungeon a couple of clicks North East of Kyovashad in the Frigid Expanse part of the map.
  3. Once you’re inside, you’ll need to explore the Dungeon and find two Gate Winches – pulling each of them.
  4. When you’ve done that, go through the unlocked opening and make your way into the Haunted Cellblock.
  5. Proceed to slay all enemies until you encounter The Undying foe.
  6. If you are successful in overcoming them, you will be rewarded with the Aspect of Torment.
aspect of torment description in diablo 4

What does Aspect of Torment do in Diablo 4?

The Aspect of Torment is special because wily Necromancers can use it to enhance their Necromancer’s Bone builds, taking advantage of the power to continuously attack.

Here’s a complete description of what the item does in the game: “Critical Strikes with Bone Skills increase your Essence Regeneration by [20 – 30]%[x] for 4 seconds.”

If your Necromancer makes avid use of Bone skills, such as the amazing endgame build Bone Spear, then the Aspect of Torment’s massive boost to Essence Regeneration can be used to keep attacking for a long time – as long as you can keep scoring critical hits.

This way you can keep attacking with powerful Bone Skills and not need to resort to standard attacks – unless you want to. Each time you land a critical attack, you’ll increase the speed of your Essence regen, so, if you can couple this power with items that boost your critical attacks, you’ll essentially have a build capable of attacking in an endless rotation of Bone-infused death!

We’d recommend infusing this Aspect into an Amulet to give the power a 50% boost when compared to other items, making the Aspect of Torment twice as effective!

With the knowledge of the Aspect of Torment in hand, head on over to our other Diablo 4 guides to improve your knowledge of the game even more and even utilize our best builds, including for the Necromancer class:

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