EA FC 25 players praise Title Update 8 as “best patch in FIFA history”

Ryan Lemay
Vini jr dribbling in EA FC 25

The latest EA FC 25 update addressed several highly-requested community changes, and some players believe it’s the best update the series has ever seen.

Title Update 8 drastically overhauled gameplay. One of the biggest complaints in FC 25 stemmed from passing being too sluggish, so this update increased the speed and accuracy of ground passes.

Meanwhile, it felt unrealistic when you would have one of the fastest cards in Ultimate Team get caught on a breakaway by a slow defender. EA responded by cutting down on those instances.

It was also incredibly frustrating when you won a tackle just for the ball to bounce back to the attacker, resulting in an easy chance for them on goal. Thankfully, that’s also been addressed, and near-post shots no longer go in as frequently.

Players were genuinely shocked by the impressive update and praised EA for a job well done.

EA FC 25 players flock back to game because of Title Update 8

Ederson punching ball in EA FC 25

FC content creator Piquelme crowned Title Update 8 ‘the best patch in FIFA history.’ Piquelme urged players who dropped the game to give it another chance because of all the promising changes.

It’s not just Piquelme who is excited by the changes. Prominent FC 25 community member WeaverFUT added, “Honestly, is this the best gameplay in many years? I think I’m in love with FIFA again.”

But before getting too excited about the update, those opinions can all change after the first Weekend League with the new patch in effect.

“This latest patch surely increases the skill gap, but let’s first fully talk after going through our WL game,” BorasLegend argued.

And when Boras refers to an increased skill gap, it’s about how much more difficult defending is. Because now that defenders struggle to keep up with faster cards, it forces you to be smarter about when you step in for a challenge, or you will get burned.

As a result, players have noticed an uptick in higher-scoring matches since the update. Despite that, most have welcomed the change and are more eager than before to play games.

For more on FC 25, check out the TOTY squad.