This meta EA FC 25 trick lets you beat defenders every time

Nathan Warby
Vini jr dribbling in EA FC 25

EA FC 25 players are always on the lookout for new tricks to gain an advantage, and this meta skill that lets you easily dribble past defenders is already dominating Ultimate Team.

Although there are plenty of different formations and tactics to experiment with in EA FC 25, once the whistle blows it’s all over to you. Filling your team with the best players will carry you so far, but you’ll need to master the best techniques to climb the ranks in Division Rivals and Champions.

One trick that’s proving extremely powerful early on in the season is the L1/LB speed boost. This simple but effective skill allows you to explode past a defender with a sudden burst of pace, and is extremely hard for the opposition to prevent.

How to use L1/LB speed boost in FC 25

Vini Jr running away from Kounde using speed boost in EA FC 25
The speed boost trick is perfect taking on full-backs.
  1. Receive the ball with one of your fastest or most skillful players.
  2. Press and hold L1/LB on your controller.
  3. Tap sprint to burst past the defender.

While this may seem easy on paper, it takes a little bit of practice to pull it off consistently and get the most out of it.

Holding the L1/LB button will slow the attacker down and keep the ball under close control, making it very difficult for them to be tackled. Then, a tap of the sprint button causes them to knock the ball forward a few yards and quickly run onto it.

If you really want to push the boat out, the new Stop and Go skill move also provides the speed boost whenever it’s performed. Luckily, it’s one of the easiest moves to do, as you just need to hold L2/LT and flick the right stick backwards and forwards.

When to use speed boost

The speed boost works best when using a player with high pace and dribbling, preferably a winger, as they’re more likely to accelerate away from the full-back and shrug off any tackles. With this in mind, tricky players like Vinicius Jr or Kylian Mbappe are absolutely ideal, as they have the Quick Step PlayStyle.

The other key element to master with this speed boost trick is timing, as it’s at its most effective when the defender has committed themselves and there’s plenty of space behind them to run into. If you wait until the perfect moment and tap sprint when they’re about to lunge at you, you can quickly tap the ball away and leave them for dead.

After testing this skill out in the early days of EA FC 25, I’ve found it to be an invaluable tool when trying to break down a defense. Most full-backs tend to have a Controlled acceleration type, meaning they simply can’t cope when an Explosive winger glides past them.

There have been plenty of occasions where I’ve managed to create a scoring opportunity or get a cross into the box from a seemingly impossible position with a well-timed speed boost.

If you’re looking to make full use of this simple trick, check out the fastest players and all of the players with five-star skills in EA FC 25.