Where to find all Elden Ring map fragments

Sam Smith
Elden Ring map fragments

Map Fragments are crucial to plan your routes across Elden Ring’s vast open world but you’ll have to find and unlock them first.

Elden Ring has a huge explorable world and it can be daunting at first but Map Fragments can make things easier. Unlocking each Fragment will reveal new sections of the map which allows you to better plan your routes, mark important places, and use fast travel to avoid hostile areas with bosses you’re not prepared to fight yet.

You only need to unlock them once in the game. Your map and the location marking of everywhere you’ve visited will carry over into New Game Plus, but in your first playthrough, you’ll still have to find every Map Fragment.

Elden Ring map fragments
Elden Ring map fragments are usually found on these stone obelisks.


All map fragment locations in Elden Ring

Every map fragment in Elden Ring can be found by visiting stone obelisks scattered throughout the Lands Between. Once you enter a region, you’ll have an empty map of the area, but the stone obelisks will be marked, allowing you to ride toward them to open the map up properly.

Remember, you won’t be able to just ride around the map from the start and unlock every map fragment, many regions are gated and will require you to progress in the story before you can unlock them.

Below, we’ve included every stone obelisk/map fragment location in Elden Ring. We’ve also provided them in a logical order based on the average playthrough, but you may find some before others, depending on where your travels take you.

Limgrave, West

Likely the first map fragment you’ll come across in Elden Ring, this one can be found close to the war camp of Gorick’s troops, outside the Gatefront Ruins and Site of Grace.

Limgrave west
West Limgrave is where the adventure begins.

Limgrave, East

Travel south from the Third Church of Marika to near the Siofra River Well, the stone obelisk and map fragment will be near a large Rune Bear clawing a tree.

Limgrave East
East Limgrave is more dangerous than the west.

Liurnia, East

The first map fragment you’re likely to find in Liurnia is north of the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace. There’s a group of enemies near it, so it should be easy to spot.

Lake south
East Liurnia of the Lakes is stunning – but dangerous.

Liurnia, West

This one is south of the Road to the Manor and is on the ridge to the west of the lake. It’s opposite the Lucaria Gate as far as the map goes.

Lake west
West Liurnia of the Lake is home to a mysterious manor.

Liurnia, North

This map fragment can be found north of the Scenic Isle and is next to the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace.

Lake North
North Liurnia of the Lake and the university.

Weeping Peninsula

Located south of Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace as you follow the road towards the castle itself.

Weeping Peninsula
The Weeping Peninsula is south of Limgrave


Located northeast of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion by a junction in the road.

Caelid south map
Caelid is east of Limgrave.


Located east of the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace and south of the Divine Tower of Caelid.

Dragonbarrow is in northen Caelid.

Altus Plateau

Likely the first map fragment you’ll find in the Altus Plateau, this one can be found north of the Altus Highway Junction. It’s also south of the Bower of Bounty as you follow the road.

royal capital west
The Altus Plateau is the road to the capital.

Leyndell, Royal Capital

This one is east of the Altus Highway Junction, near the Outer Wall Tree Site of Grace.

Capital city map
King Morgott awaits the Tarnished in the Captial City.

Mt. Gelmir

This map fragment unlocks the mountain region and can be found west of the Road of Iniquity Site of Grace.

Volcano manor map
Mt. Gelmir is home to an active volcano and a creepy cult.

Siofra River

This map fragment isn’t located on a stone obelisk, instead, it’s sitting on a body east of the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace. The area itself is located beneath the world map on a map of its own. You’ll need to take one of the elevators down to the Siofra River to reach it.

Siofra River map
The Siofra River is underground.

Ainsel River Well

This map fragment is also not on a stone obelisk but on a body. To reach it, start at the Ainsel River Site of Grace and head through the tunnel, past the coffins, and take a right to find an elevator behind a door. Take the elevator down into a big cave, a star beast will start attacking from afar with rocks, make your way to the room underneath it and you’ll see a body with the map fragment next to a hidden merchant.

You’ll visit this area in Ranni’s quest.

Mountaintops of the Giants, West

Once you arrive in the region you can find this map fragment located between the elevator entrance and the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace. Simply follow the road.

Mountaintop west map
The Mountaintops is a snowy winter wonderland.

Mountaintops of the Giants, East

Located near the Giants’ Gravepost Site of Grace, south side of the huge chain bridge.

mountaintops east maps
The last giant guards the Chaos Flame in the eastern mountains.

Lake of Rot

Located in a hidden and dangerous area, the Lake of Rot. The map fragment is close to the shoreline. You’ll likely arrive here if you follow Ranni’s questline. Just make sure you have some Scarlett Rot cures handy.

The Lake of Rot will infect you with scarlett rot.

Deeproot Depths

Located northeast of the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace. The map fragment is found on a corpse under a structure.

The Deeproot Depths is home to an undead Golden god.

Mogwyn Palace

To find the map to Mohg’s lair start at the Palace Approach Site of Grace and ride along the right-hand wall. You’ll eventually come to some ruins and stairs, at the top, the map is on a corpse.

Mogwyn Palce map
The Mogwyn Dynasty plots it’s acension.

Consecrated Snowfield

As the Consecrated Snowfield is a hidden area, you’ll need to have found both pieces of the Haligtree Secret Medallion and take the Grand Lift of Rold to this region. The map fragment is on the stone obelisk on the road near the start of the area.

Consecrated snowfield map
The Consecrated Snowfeild hides a slumbering demigod.

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