Adin Ross security knocks out stranger who tried to “attack” streaming star

Connor Bennett
Adin Ross in yellow shirt and black hat

Adin Ross’ security team apparently knocked out a random guy who tried to confront the streaming star when he was out and about. 

As streaming has become bigger and bigger over the years, some content creators have grown to become fully-fledged celebrities who receive attention wherever they go. 

Of course, this attention comes at a cost. Some can hardly go out for a night on the town or to grab a bite to eat without being hassled by at least a handful of people. And, as a result, some have taken the step of employing security teams to get them from A to B without much hassle. 

This is the case for Adin Ross, who has blown up in popularity over the last year or so. He’s had to take on two security guards, and one had to step in for him during a night out. 

Adin Ross security knocked out alleged attacker

That’s according to AdinUpdates, a Twitter account that alerts fans to when the streamer is going live and if he’s embroiled in any drama. 

On November 6, they tweeted a short eight-second clip of the streamer seemingly being confronted by a random person. The account stated that the person in person “apparently tried to attack” the streamer at the time too but got knocked out by Adin’s security guard Ant. 

In another photo, apparently from the same confrontation, a man can be seen flat out on the floor, supposedly knocked out and being observed by members of the police.

It’s not the first time that the streaming star has been in danger over the last few weeks and had his security guards step in. 

In late October, his security team apparently had to pull guns on someone who was trying to commit an armed robbery on him. So, they’re clearly getting the job done.

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About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at