Top 10 hot tub streamers in Twitch’s new category: Amouranth & Sea Otters?
Twitch/Stockpix/ Twitter/AmouranthKaitlyn ‘Amouranth’ Siragusa has taken Twitch’s new ‘Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches’ category to new heights with a whopping 1.4 million hours watched in just four days, 500,000 of which can be attributed to her stream alone.
Twitch came down hard on the hot tub meta by lumping them all into a new ‘Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches’ category that advertisers can opt-out from if they don’t want to be associated with that kind of content. Natalia ‘Alinity’ Mogollon claimed it could be an end to the meta, and her prediction seemed to be coming true when Amouranth, who has thrived off the trend, hinted that she could be stopping them due to the revenue she’d lose for not being able to show ads. But despite the hot tub meta coming to an end, the new category has been thriving thanks to an influx of adorable rescued sea otters, and of course, the staggering amount of views that Amouranth’s stream has been drawing.
In a data report conducted by, the numbers show that people have spent more than 1.4 million hours watching content on the ‘Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches’ category in the last four days. Indiefoxx and ExoHydraX featured on the list with around 100,000 hours between them, as well as MarineMammalRescue, a channel organized by the veterinary hospital that started the sea otter stream craze.- Read More: Streamer baffled after Twitch removes hot tub emote
However, Amouranth’s numbers were head and shoulders above the rest, with 500,000 hours watched, five times more than anyone else. So, while the hot tub meta might be dead and buried, it seems that the interest in these kinds of streams, as well as the streamers who host them, is still alive and well. Amouranth’s mind-blowing numbers are a testament to that.
- Read More: Sea Otters take over new Twitch hot tub category
The problem, though, is that the potential profits are hampered due to advertisers not wanting a bar of it. But that could change if certain advertisers hop on board, which isn’t beyond the realm of possibility.