Andrew Schulz defends Joe Rogan amid racism drama: “This is a hit job”

Brent Koepp
Comedian Andrew Schulz next to Joe Rogan.

Instagram comedian Andrew Schulz claims that Joe Rogan’s racism drama is a “hit job.” The Flagrant 2 Podcast host argued that people are just trying to “silence” the UFC commentator. 

After being accused of spreading misinformation by Neil Young in January, Joe Rogan became further embroiled in controversy in February when footage resurfaced of him using racial slurs in older episodes of the JRE podcast.

Stand-up comic Andrew Schulz came to the defense of him in a string of social media posts following the backlash and claimed that the entire controversy was manufactured.

Andrew Schulz calls Joe Rogan racism scandal “a hit job”

Joe Rogan addressed the controversy in an Instagram video on February 5 where he apologized for his “shameful” behavior. Despite his response, the popular podcast star continued to trend on social media due to growing backlash.

Responding to the anger, fellow comedian Andrew Schulz defended the JRE host on Twitter. “Rogan hit job started with misinformation. That didn’t stick so now it’s racism. Next, it will be misogyny,” he tweeted. “They are trying to make him radioactive [because] they fear his influence.”

The Instagram personality then claimed that the entire controversy was being pushed by those who want to see Rogan’s career end because they can’t control him. “This isn’t about hate. It’s about silencing a powerful man THEY can’t control,” he said.

Schulz followed up his argument in a separate Instagram post where he again claimed that it was a hit job. “Please believe the people behind this don’t care about a single thing Rogan said. They know you do though. And their goal is to manipulate you into silencing Rogan so they don’t have to deal with him,” he wrote. “But make no mistake about it, this is a hit job.”

The Flagrant 2 podcast host further clarified that he believed Rogan was a target due to being more popular than the mainstream media and not being tied to an institution. “It’s the same playbook used when a movement or person of influence can’t be controlled. Any human in history with power that wasn’t tied to an institution gets put through it to varying degrees,” he said.


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Andrew Schulz ended his rant by calling out Joe Rogan’s friends who were staying “silent” during this time: “Rogan has made a lot of people millionaires. Imagine being one of those people and staying silent right now? Cause this will blow over in a month but that silence will never be forgotten.”

Only time will tell whether the UFC commentator will be able to weather the storm of this latest controversy. At the time of writing, Spotify has removed over 70 episodes of the JRE podcast.