Asmongold confirms Twitch return after short break, hints at changes

Alex Tsiaoussidis
Asmongold confirms Twitch return after short break, hints at changes

Asmongold confirmed he’d be back on Twitch soon after taking a short break from streaming to “recalibrate himself” and hinted there would be some changes moving forward.

On August 31, Asmongold announced he was taking a short break from Twitch after telling fans he was feeling “really weird” about streaming and needed some time off to recalibrate and figure things out. He didn’t want people to speculate what it was all about. However, fans believe it might have had something to do with reactions to his comments about the #ADayOffTwitch movement and complaints that he’s “abandoned” World of Warcraft, which he hasn’t. The good news is that taking time off appears to have worked like a charm.

Asmongold streaming
Asmongold needed a break from streaming to rejuvenate himself.
Asmon is ready to go again and confirmed the date of his return on social media. “Streams will resume on Saturday,” he said. “Stormblood and my first P.O box stream will be this weekend.”

  • Read More: Asmongold has become Twitch’s bad guy for no good reason

He also hinted he has “some changes and stuff” that he wants to talk about once he goes live. Though rest assured he promised it’s all “good stuff” rather than bad. Asmon’s fans can’t wait to tune into his streams again. Not only because they miss his content, but also because it’s hard to find another streamer on the platform who is as passionate and outspoken as he is.

And as for the good changes he’s got planned, we’ll have to wait until Saturday, September 11 to find out what he meant.