Asmongold explains why WoW’s raids have become worst part of iconic MMO game
Twitch: Asmongold / BlizzardAsmongold has dubbed World of Warcraft raids “unfun” and boring, claiming the party-based challenges have fallen from their status as the crown jewel of the MMORPG to one of the worst parts of WoW’s endgame.The Twitch star’s long-standing feud with his first love, World of Warcraft, is well documented, and now Asmongold has taken another swipe at the Blizzard franchise.Raiding has always been a vital part of any massively-multiplayer online game, from genre forerunner World of Warcraft to newer titles like New World, and even faux-MMOs like Destiny 2. When it’s all players can do after maxing out their levels and learning the world, titles live and die by their raids.According to Asmongold, WoW has hit the latter.In fact, he claims WoW’s raids have become the most boring part of the iconic MMO; players simply “do them to do them” rather than actually enjoying them.
The popular Twitch star was playing New World on his Zackrawwr account on Nov. 14 when one of his viewers suggested he return to Azeroth for WoW raids. Asmongold — who is technically on a streaming hiatus — laughed off the idea, and explained why he doesn’t like the idea of raiding in WoW anymore, especially the later dungeons released in Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. “I don’t think raiding is that fun at all anymore,” the 31-year-old explained as he played. “Raiding is usually just waiting for the dumbest person in the group to figure [mechanics and challenges] out.”
“And,” he added, “that happens while you have to simultaneously not accidentally make a huge mistake yourself and lose while they’re trying.”
On top of that, Asmongold hates that there’s no incentive. “I would have a lot more excitement about raiding if there was an ends to it. What is the goal of raiding? The goal of raiding in WoW is basically just to finish the raid, then you get totally nothing.“Maybe if finishing the raids helped you, got you something, then it would be okay,” he continued. “And what’s even worse is a new patch wipes everything too.”
Asmongold did concede that several WoW raids had piqued his interest recently, including a return to Classic’s adventures. He said, “They made me want to raid, because there was something beyond them. I even wanted to raid Naxx, to get gear for Burning Crusade! It goes beyond one patch, and that’s really cool.“Blizzard just needs something to work towards really.”The 31-year-old last played a World of Warcraft raid on-stream more than two months ago, on September 14, when he ran Gruul’s Lair from The Burning Crusade.