Asmongold urges fans to leave Blizzard employees and creators alone amid lawsuit

Lawrence Scotti

Twitch star Asmongold is urging fans of Blizzard to stop harassing the companies employees and content creators after a bombshell lawsuit came out alleging workplace harassment. 

On July 21, news broke a lawsuit was filed from the state of California against Activision Blizzard over a “pervasive frat-boy culture.” The lawsuit alleges that women at the company were subject to multiple different forms of harassment.

The next day, Asmongold reacted to the story while live on Twitch, calling the allegations “shameful” among other things.

After his following stream on July 23, he released a video on Twitter urging Blizzard fans to leave their employees and content creators alone for now.

“Obviously, there’s been some disgusting, despicable, sad, disappointing s**t that’s happened today at Blizzard and many people in the most disappointing way have used this information as a means to have a weapon to harass current Blizzard employees and people that are content creators at Blizzard,” the WoW streamer started.

“There are people who are saying you should quit your job, you should stop streaming World of Warcraft and I’ll be honest, I feel like these opinions and these things they’re saying and the fact that they use this as a rationalization to harass these individuals is the pinnacle of the word that I hate to use, it’s the pinnacle of privilege.”

Asmongold went on, adding: “People relocated sometimes their whole family across the country to go work at Blizzard Entertainment, they might have had a single f***king thing to do with the stuff in this court case, and you expect them to quit their job? Especially some of these women, who are the victims of this expecting them to quit their job because of this situation, abso-f**kin-lutely not.”

Activision Blizzard lawsuit sexual harassment california
The report that came out alleges that Activision Blizzard harbored a workplace that “was akin to working in a frat house.”

The OTK member also urged viewers to let the two-year investigation into this “deliver justice” rather than Twitter.  He finished the video by highlighting his main point: “If you want to boycott, do it personally, and don’t force that onto other people.”

Asmongold has recently taken a step back from streaming World of Warcraft and has been branching out into streaming other MMO’s like Final Fantasy XIV and New World’s beta. Streaming Final Fantasy XIV has brought a huge new wave of fans to both his channel and the game.