Bride and groom’s outlandish wedding rules go viral: “There will be twerking”

Meera Jacka
Bride and groom holding hands.

A bride and groom have gone viral for their “condescending” wedding rules after being exposed on Reddit by a disgruntled guest.

Labeling the couple as a “bridezilla” and “groomzilla” respectively, the original poster ‘VieleAud‘ shared a set of 15 rules guests were expected to uphold.

“If someone sent this to me I would simply just not go,” they captioned the Reddit thread, with more than 4,600 upvotes showing that users of the platform evidently agreed.

The couple — whose names were redacted from the list of rules to protect their identities — have since been slammed in the comments and dubbed “a*******.” However, it is not the rules themselves that have users riled up, but the “entitled” and “condescending” phrasing.

The rules included: reminding guests that it is the couple’s “big day, not yours;” ordering invitees to stay out of the photographer’s way; the dress code is strictly black and gold; and the seating chart is not to be rearranged.

Rule five, in particular, rubbed some users the wrong way for its wording, reading, “If you didn’t put out any money for the wedding, keep your should’ve, could’ve, would’ve to yourself. Your opinion is irrelevant.”

The couple then went on to instruct guests to “pace” their drinking, make no big announcements or proposals, and “simply go home” if they didn’t like the music; “This is a celebration, not a funeral.”

“This is a ‘Taking over for the 99′ [and] 2000’s’ type of event, so there will be twerking,” rule nine continued, before a redacted hashtag was given for any photos posted online.

Following the couple’s rule on “twerking,” guests were told to “not sit down all night” and warned they would be “escorted out” if caught with liquor not supplied by the venue.

The final three rules on the list were a reminder that it was the couple’s big day and that the “bride and groom said what they said,” though this shouldn’t stop invitees from turning “all the way up.”

“Yeah, the majority of these are basic wedding wisdom anyway,” one Redditor pointed out, claiming the rules were “just phrased aggressively.” A second person agreed that “these could be rewritten to not sound like an a******,” with a third questioning “Who are you inviting to your wedding that you have to tell them to not complain?”

When one commenter pointed out the couple’s misspelling of “irrelevant” as “irrelavent,” another jokingly responded, “Pointing out typos is a flagrant violation of rule 5. Cousin Jack will be escorting you out. Leave your registry gift on the table.”