“Chipotle is my life” kid goes viral on TikTok with recreation of iconic Vine

Georgina Smith
Viral Chipotle Vine kid in the original video, and the recreation

The kid who went viral on Vine in 2014 for his iconic “Chipotle is my life” has made a comeback on TikTok, going viral again for his recreation of the original.

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A period of the internet that many people remember fondly is the few years between 2013 and 2016 that Vine was active.

Vine was an app that allowed users to post short six-second videos that would repeat on a loop, and it was the home of a whole host of creators that have since migrated onto other platforms after the app was shut down in 2016.

Although it wasn’t around for long, Vine birthed a huge number of iconic memes, and to this day people upload compilations to YouTube to preserve their favorite videos.

One video that remains a staple of that era, shows a young boy saying to the camera, “oh my God, I love Chipotle, Chipotle is my life.” It fast became a widely quoted meme, even years after the app shut down, thanks to his unique tone of voice and the relatable quote.

Though in the years since the platform shut down, many have been left wondering what happened to the viral stars who became infamous thanks to a single six-second clip.

People’s questions were answered when the now 12-year-old kid from the original video Chipotle, Roy Murray, made an appearance on TikTok with a new video.

The video featured Roy completing his own iconic quote seven years on, saying, “Chipotle’s still my life” as a twist on the original, managing to mimic the exact same tone of voice from the popular video.

Chipotle’s repost of the video has over four million views and 800,000 likes, with users flooding the comment section to express their surprise.

“He came back to reclaim his throne!” one commenter said, another writing, “tell me you’re old without telling me you’re old.”

In the caption, Chipotle revealed that Roy is now sponsored, and the company has even collaborated with the young star on an apparel range featuring the iconic quote.

It was a surprise to many to see this familiar face pop up on their For You Page, but people seemed to love encountering the Vine throwback.