Dr Disrespect implores Epic to “bring back Jarvis” after Fortnite ban

Eli Becht

Twitch star Dr Disrespect explained his feelings about FaZe Clan’s Jarvis Kaye following his permanent ban from Fortnite for using an aimbot.

Jarvis was handed out a permanent ban from Fortnite by Epic Games over his use of an aimbot in the Creative mode of the game “for content.”

While he didn’t use it in a competitive setting, Epic still has a no-tolerance policy for hacks and cheats of this nature so he was banned for good. This is largely because the hacks he used changed the game code, and he even gave a tutorial on how to get these hacks yourself. 

FaZe Jarvis has been banned from Fortnite.

Many suspected that given his ties to FaZe Clan, the banning wouldn’t last for very long, but Epic stood their ground and said he would remain permanently banned.

A few big names have chimed in with their thoughts on the ban including Ninja, xQc, FaZe Banks, and now we can include Dr Disrespect.

When asked by a member of his chat what he thought about Jarvis’ permaban, he didn’t pull any punches when discussing the FaZe Clan creator.

“Here’s the thing, I do have an opinion on this, ok,” he started. “I kinda looked into it a little bit. At first, you read it like “Jarvis used hacks” and all of a sudden it’s like “sh*t, get him out of here, get him out,” he said. 

However, Doc changed his tune on that and said he looked into it a little deeper.

“Now here’s the thing, I don’t know if the hacks were used in a live environment or not,” he said. “He’s basically using it not for competition, not to go out and bump up his K/D or grinding Champion’s League, or a tournament, or any of that stuff. He’s using it for content for his YouTube channel to show something.”

Dr Disrespect thinks Jarvis’ ban was too harsh.

With this knowledge, Doc believes the ban was a bit harsh, especially when considered to XXif and Ronaldo who were caught cheating during the World Cup qualifiers and were only give a two-week ban.

“He got permanently banned for it,” he said. “In comparison to these guys that used cheats and hacks during a qualification of a $30 million tournament and they only got two weeks banned. That’s, I feel like Blueballs (Bluehole) and Epic Games are part of the same equation of just clueless. I don’t get it. If anything, Jarvis should just get a temporary ban.

He ends his explanation by saying “bring back Jarvis.”

(Discussion begins at 3:52)

It certainly doesn’t sound like he’ll ever be unbanned, but he will be able to take solace in the fact that he does have his supporters out there.

While Fortnite was his main game, Jarvis said his career is far from over and he’s just getting started.