Ethan Klein reacts to Triller founder accusing him of harassment with fake accounts

Virginia Glaze
Ethan Klein hits back at Triller CEO harassment accusations

H3H3’s Ethan Klein is in yet another tiff with Triller — this time, with the company’s founder, who’s accusing him of harassment using a litany of purported fake troll accounts across social media.

Ethan Klein and Triller go way back — well, at least a few months back. The YouTuber’s first run-in with the company, a social media networking service behind Jake’s bout with Askren, began after Klein featured a clip of the fight during his podcast earlier this year. Triller then informed Klein, alongside anyone else who had shared footage of the match “illegally,” that they’d be pursuing a $100 million lawsuit against them… which, according to Triller, numbered around two million pirated streams. Klein was shocked at the news, claiming that he “did not rebroadcast it or pirate” the fight in a now-deleted tweet. He appeared to laugh off Triller’s legal threats, arguing that he’d used a 45-second clip from the bout, which he stated was fair-use five days after the event.

H3H3’s Ethan Klein was among the defendants named in Triller’s $100 million lawsuit.

Triller’s Ryan Kavanaugh accuses Ethan Klein of using troll accounts to harass him

That’s not all… Triller ended up re-filing their lawsuit against Klein a short while later, accusing him of attempting to “defame” the company on his podcast.

Now, a couple of months after the fact, Triller founder Ryan Kavanaugh is bringing up the issue once again. This time, accusing Klein of creating multiple anonymous troll accounts to harass him on social media.

Ryan Kavanaugh Lawsuit H3H3 Triller Ethan Klein
H3H3 didn’t shy away from going hard at Triller amid their copyright infringement lawsuit.
The drama went down on Instagram, where Kavanaugh responded to a particularly troll-ish comment that said he looked like he was “battling multiple skin conditions.”

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“Why are you using a fake account, Ethan?” Kavanaugh replied. “Anyone can see it’s a troll account. Really quite desperate.”

Ethan Klein laughs off Kavanaugh’s harassment claims

It seems that Klein is taking the accusations in stride, mocking Kavanaugh’s retort in a tweet that read: “Ryan Kavanaugh slandering Ethan in comments” with an angry face emoji. “Impossible,” Klein added. “I was playing Final Fantasy XIV at the time.” Whatever the case may be regarding this ongoing legal catfight, it doesn’t look like Klein is letting himself be intimidated, and is happy to throw back any accusations sent his way. Reaching level 80 in FFXIV is a time-consuming task, after all.