H3H3 have a message for critical fans in their latest return to YouTube

Virginia Glaze

YouTube duo Ethan and Hila ‘H3H3’ Klein uploaded their first comedy video in three months, following their ‘Update’ video where Ethan explained their channel’s absence was due to anxiety and depression.

The couple reviewed an electronic vape called ‘iJOY’ in their latest skit, poking fun at its interactive features, such as voice activation, artificial intelligence, mood lighting, and more.

They likewise showed good humor and were able to make fun at themselves, as well, with Hila calling Ethan, “Just the podcast guy,” as a callout to those feeling that Ethan had prioritized the ‘H3 Podcast’ over their YouTube channel.

“Did you know that since we’ve stopped making videos, the technology of an AI talking vape has hit the street?” Ethan said jokingly, in reference to the channel’s 3-month hiatus.

While the pair are notable for their ‘H3’ podcast, where they interview notable internet personalities and discuss current events, many fans expressed a desire to see them return to YouTube.

Fans felt that the couple were more interested in getting paid than creating content for the platform, as their first video since the hiatus was an advertisement for their mobile game, ‘H3H3 Ball Rider.’

They then returned with their ‘Update’ video following fan criticism, where they revealed that Hila’s father passed away due to cancer, prompting Hila’s visit to Israel. Ethan likewise mentioned that he was suffering from depression.

However, it seems like the pair is now back and in good spirits. While no upload schedule has been released, their latest video has been well-received by fans thus far, marking a happy return to their origins of YouTube skits.