How to temporarily deactivate your Snapchat account

Kawter Abed
Snapchat logo on device

Deactivating your Snapchat account is a great way to get a break from the app without having to commit to deleting your account.

For many years, Snapchat has become a prominent social media platform, allowing users to share disappearing pictures and videos, as well as chat with friends and family.

With various filters and engaging features, it provides a fun and interactive way to communicate. However, there may be instances when a user might want to take a break from the platform, and temporarily deactivating your account can provide that needed respite.

Deactivating your Snapchat temporarily doesn’t mean you’re losing all your data or connections. Instead, it simply suspends your account for a period, during which others can’t interact with your profile. You can always reactivate it if you decide to return.

Snapchat logo yellow background

How to temporarily deactivate Snapchat

If you need to take a short break from Snapchat, here’s how to temporarily deactivate your account:

  1. Go to the Snapchat accounts portal.
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. Once logged in, scroll down to the ‘Account Information’ section.
  4. Click on ‘Delete My Account.’ This will lead you to a page with both temporary deactivation and permanent deletion options.
  5. Enter your password again to proceed.
  6. Press the ‘Continue’ button to confirm that you want to deactivate your account temporarily.
  7. You may be asked to provide a reason for deactivating your account. Select an option or enter a comment.
  8. Confirm the temporary deactivation and your account will be suspended.

Your account will remain deactivated for 30 days. To reactivate it, simply log back in on the app, and it will be restored. If you don’t reactivate within 30 days, the account will be permanently deleted, and all associated data will be lost.

If you want to learn more about how to use Snapchat, check out our guides on how to remove someone from your Snapchat best friends list or learn how to make a public profile on Snapchat.