JadeyAnh confronts racist strangers after being harassed on stream

Virginia Glaze
JadeyAnh confronts racist bystanders

Twitch star and Instagram model ‘JadeyAnh’ was getting drinks with her cousins when she was confronted by a group of male strangers, who made racist remarks toward the streamer and her family during her live broadcast.

Anh, a German-Vietnamese streamer living in Germany, was spending some much-needed family time at a local bar on June 22 when she and her two cousins, both women, were approached by an unruly group of men.

Apparently inebriated, the group walked up behind the streamer and began to make a mockery of Asian languages in front of the camera as she broadcast her evening to her 155k followers.

Jadey Anh Instagram photo
Twitch star Jadey Anh caught an unfortunate instance of overt racism while out drinking with family.

One of the strangers started shouting racist remarks, making sure to get in the frame.

“What’s the name of — “ another began.

“Get off,” Anh commanded, clearly annoyed. “Why did you say [that]? That’s f**king racist! Yeah, it’s f**king racist! What the f**k is going on, man?”

JadeyAnh confronts racist bystanders
JadeyAnh was quick to call the strangers out on their racist behavior, leading to a tense conversation between the two parties.

Anh continued to confront the strangers, turning around to challenge one of the men standing behind her.

“What’s the point?” she questioned. “Like, you could have just said hi. You had to say, [that].”

“It was only funny,” he replied, as though trying to play the situation off as a joke.

“It’s not funny,” Anh and her cousin said in tandem.

After a few more back-and-forths with the bystander, he appeared to concede that his “joke” was, indeed, offensive, admitting, “Oh, okay, no problem.”

This didn’t stop the initial offender from making another pass at the camera before taking off with the rest of his squad.

“Yeah, get off,” Anh shot back, lighting up a cigarette. “Small man.”

This is far from the first time such instances of racism have been caught on camera via Twitch; in fact, popular streamer Gianee Lee was harassed multiple times by racist strangers during her trip to Berlin, Germany in April 2019, painting a concerning history of her IRL travels on the platform.

Thankfully, both she and JadeyAnh were able to quickly to call out this deplorable behavior without being harmed, letting the offenders know that racism is not acceptable, no matter what.