Joe Rogan explains why the world is getting a “wake-up call”

Andy Williams

Popular podcast host Joe Rogan delved into why the world is going through a “wake-up call” amid the ongoing global crisis, when talking with Joey Diaz during an episode of the JRE.

With entire countries entering lockdown, Rogan has delved into why people should value their health above all (both now and moving forward).

Amid discussing everything from current affairs to a world with stand-up comedy, both Rogan and Diaz touched on the implications of the ongoing global health threat during Episode 1448 of the Joe Rogan Experience.

Joe Rogan talking during his YouTube podcast.
Rogan delved into a plethora of topics during his podcast, revolving largely around the current health crisis.

Joe Rogan on “greed”

After expert epidemiologist, Michael Osterholm, provided an eye-opening prediction on fatality rates, Rogan’s interest has seemingly spiked, as he continues to broach the topic with his podcast’s guests.

During the podcast, Rogan’s fellow stand-up comedian hypothesized that the current health situation is acting as a “reset button” for society. “For me this is like a higher power letting us know… We just got greedy, man — the greed got too much.”

Joe agreed with Diaz’ point relating to the fact that the human race got “overzealous,” before going on to explain how the majority of society isn’t “humbled enough” to the threats of nature, when specifically referring to California residents.

The world is getting a wake-up call…

“I think this is a wake-up call for the whole country – the whole world — and we’re vulnerable,” Rogan admitted.

“It’s also a wake-up call – and can’t say this to enough people – take care of your health, please. It is the one defense for this, that seems to be agreed upon by almost everyone.”

Rogan then went on to outline the plethora of actions people can take to bolster their immune system, from adopting basic regimes to utilizing vitamin-based supplements.

“Your immune system is something that you can work on. You know, you can work on it by cleaning up your diet; you can work on it with regular exercise; you can work on it with regular sleep.”

As a take-home message, the YouTuber then stated: “You can use this as like: ‘Okay, I’m alive, now this is a wake-up call, I’m so glad this didn’t happen to me (I didn’t get wrecked by this) — I’m going to get my life in order’… And this is a good time to get your health in-line.”

Despite Rogan’s doubts regarding America’s strategy to tackle the global crisis, the podcast host appears hopeful that people won’t take for granted what they once did, by valuing their only known defense mechanism — which starts with improving their health.