Korean streamer creates doppelganger of herself in Monster Hunter World

Daniel Cleary
lovelyyyeon, Twitch

Korean Twitch streamer ‘Lovelyyeon’ took her character customization to the next level, creating a perfect doppelganger of herself in Monster Hunter: World.

Character customization has become a necessity in many of the new titles that have been released in recent years.

In many games such as GTA V’s online mode, players are given the chance to alter their character whichever way they please, which can also result in some hilarious outcomes.

CapcomMonster Hunter: World allows players to customize their characters.

Despite the massive amount of choice, many players often aim for their characters to share their resemblance, however, it is usually more difficult than they expect it to be.

Before starting her Monster Hunter World playthrough, Twitch streamer ‘Lovelyyeon’ decided to spend quite a while on her character during her January 3 stream.

To many viewers’ surprise, the Korean streamer only took half an hour to make the changes, matching the features of her character with her own and produced an almost identical mirror of herself in-game.

Lovelyyeon highlighted the similarities by dragging her facecam above the image, after lowering the opacity, and shocking fans after it resulted in a near-perfect match.

As many Monster Hunter World fans might know, once you load into the game the default settings usually hides your face in-game due to the character’s need for a helmet.

However, it is possible to change some of the settings so that your head armor is invisible and unwilling to let her hard work go to waste, Lovelyyeon opted for exactly that.

As you can customize your character to your own liking, it has also opened up the possibility for more unique takes on cosplaying the popular Monster Hunter World character with some incredibly detailed armor and weapons to go along with it.