KSI, Tana Mongeau and more react to Logan Paul leaked video controversy

Connor Bennett
YouTube: Logan Paul/KSI

Some of the internet’s biggest personalities have stepped in to react to Logan Paul after a video leaked online of a man that some immediately thought was actually him.

The popular content creator is no stranger to being the center of attention when it comes to the internet taking shots at him from all angles – with plenty of YouTubers mocking his infamous Japanese Suicide Forest video and having KSI take literally jab at him inside a boxing ring.

Now, though, with a video surfacing online that claims to contain footage of the Paul brother being intimate with another man – which he quickly rubbished as fake and clickbait – some of his friends, family, and biggest critics have lined up to take their own shots at him.

Impaulsive PodcastThe supposed video surfaced on December 21 – with many claiming Logan was involved.

Logan’s brother Jake first weighed in on the matter by revealing a text exchange that the pair had about the apparent video.

Jake seemed to see the funny side of the things after alerting his brother to the fact that he had been trending, while Logan questioned the whole thing.

Tana Mongeau, who has been in a relationship with Jake and even got ‘married’ to the Paul brother allowed her curiosity to get the best of her as she asked fans to provide a link.

After seemingly watching the video, she weighed in with her analysis, saying it was “not….. not hot?” and that he “threw neck.”

Hours after the video made the rounds on social media, JJ ‘KSI’ Olatunji jumped in to mock Logan – circling back to their professional fight from November 9.

“Now I understand why Logan Paul liked clinching me so much LMAO…,” he tweeted, much to the amusement of his own fans.

His boxing trainer Vidal Riley also couldn’t stop himself from making a joke about the youtube pair’s rematch. “JJ’s win made Logan explore his options not only career wise…” he tweeted. 

Drama Alert host Daniel ‘KEEMSTAR’ Keem weighed in on the whole situation as well after watching the video in question and related it to his own experience of similar claims.

“It probably not him. Definitely looks like him! You can’t see his face good enough,” he tweeted. “Keep in mind there are like 3 hat-wearing beard gay videos that people spam at me daily. None are actually me.”

Of course, the Paul brother has already pushed the claims away and given an initial reaction in his own tweets.

However, he will more than likely address in further detail during a YouTube video or his next imPaulsive podcast.