Lilly Singh responds to complaints of “uncomfortable” late night show

Virginia Glaze

YouTube star Lilly Singh debuted her very own late night show, ‘A Little Late with Lilly Singh,’ in Fall 2019 — but it was met with exceedingly harsh reviews from critics, which she finally addressed in a soul-baring video on May 13, 2020.

Singh’s foray into late night hosting has been continually met with backlash from critics and fellow YouTubers since its inception, with many taking issue with her constant reminder to viewers that she is a “bisexual woman of color” throughout the series.

Still others noted that Singh’s show was incredibly awkward at times, with some discovering forced laugh tracks played at certain points — all issues the YouTuber brought up in her May 13 video discussing the matter.

After announcing her show had been approved for a second season (with a humorous rap to deliver the surprising news), Singh uploaded a second video, titled, “My Honest Thoughts About My Late Night Show.”

In her video, she admitted that the series had filmed over 90 episodes in the span of three months due to scheduling issues, and since it was her first time undertaking such a massive project, Singh was also learning on the go, so to speak.

“The schedule didn’t always allow me to have a monologue that I was 100% about,” she admitted. “Sometimes I would feel a little eh about it, but the show had to go on. And yeah, I’m well aware that in some episodes, I look hella uncomfortable. And you know what? That’s probably because I am!”

“The truth is, it was my season one of doing something brand-new,” she continued. “And season one Lilly reminded me a lot like first YouTube video Lilly. Everything takes time and takes practice. …I’m proud of season one, but I know there’s a lot to improve on.”

Singh went on to note that she was “well aware” of fans’ criticism of her show and was taking their feedback into consideration for its second season — although when the show will be filmed is still up in the air, considering current global circumstances.

For now, fans are hopeful that Singh’s second season will prove better than the first — a sentiment that the YouTuber herself is in total agreement with, boasting a positive outlook for the future project to apply her knowledge from her first season’s blunders.