Mariah Carey goes mega-viral with TikTok video “defrosting” for Christmas

Jacob Hale
Mariah Carey singing with arms outstretched in viral TikTok video

Mariah Carey has gone super viral on TikTok, with Halloween celebrations over and people starting to gear up for Christmas, acknowledging and contributing to the memes that suggest she only pops up into the public eye for the holiday season.

For many, October 31 is a huge Halloween celebration, but as soon as the clocks tick over to November 1, the Christmas festivities begin and it’s time to start preparing for the most wonderful time of the year.

This means the decorations start coming out around the house, certain movies are on TV more and, of course, you start hearing Christmas songs far more often.

Some Christmas songs are just so popular, though, that the artists become forever known for those festive songs. Michael Buble, for example, is often accused of laying low until December, as is Mariah Carey — who has poked fun at herself in a now-viral video with her song All I Want for Christmas is You.

Mariah Carey “defrosts” for Christmas

Already clocking in at well over 50 million views across platforms just hours after the TikTok went live, Mariah Carey shared a video of her “defrosting” while decked out in Christmas gear, getting ready for her big arrival in the holiday season.

No matter when you personally start looking forward to Christmas, this will have got many viewers in the festive spirit, as it spreads like wildfire across the internet.

All I Want For Christmas is You came out originally in 1994 and now, almost 30 years later, it continues to be one of the biggest songs of the season, if not the biggest.

The track has peaked at number 1 in the charts for each of the last four years and there’s no reason to think it won’t continue that tradition in 2023.