PewDiePie makes a comeback after falling way behind T-Series in YouTube sub race

Calum Patterson

Indian production company T-Series finally surpassed PewDiePie‘s YouTube channel in total subscribers, taking a commanding lead of over 30,000 subscribers – but miraculously the Swede came back.

Since October 2018, much of the YouTube community, and the internet at large, has been engrossed in the battle for YouTube supremacy, as independent creator, Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg went up against the symbol of corporate takeover on the platform, T-Series.

It was pitted as a David vs Goliath fight, with PewDiePie being a one-man band, producing a single video a day, vs T-Series, a large company capable of publishing multiple, professional quality videos a day.

One of T-Series latest videos has over 5 million views in only 17 hours, while others still have less than 100,000.

Despite his disadvantage, PewDiePie gave T-Series a run for their money. He outperformed them for over four months and kept his number one spot intact – thanks to a large community of fellow YouTubers supporting him.

Throughout early March 2019, though, every day T-Series’ growth became more rapid. The valiant efforts of PewDiePie and his community seems to finally be too little, too late.

As of March 21, T-Series was more than 30,000 subscribers ahead – the biggest margin yet. This was a result of their latest viral video, a trailer for new movie ‘PM Narendra Mori’, which accumulated over five million views in less than 16 hours.

PewDiePie vs T-Series – Live subscriber count.

Although it seemed that all hope was lost for PewDiePie, the Swede managed to make a late surge, and closed the gap within hours.

With T-Series now involving themselves in the race publicly, even using national pride to incentivize Indian’s to subscribe to their channel, it seemed like the challenge would be too much.

Many consider the race to 100 million the next milestone, so if Pewds can keep pace until then, a late surge might see him secure at least that victory. If not, then 90 million may be the last major milestone he can claim to have hit first.