PewDiePie roasts “stuck up” Alinity over her 24-hour Twitch ban

Brent Koepp

YouTube king Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg took shots at Twitch personality Alinity, following her recent wardrobe malfunction on camera which led to her being banned on the streaming platform. 

Twitch streamer Alinity kicked off a new storm of controversy when on April 24, a clothing slip-up during her broadcast netted her channel a 24-hour ban from the site.

During his April 27 episode of Last Week I Asked You, PewDiePie weighed in on the incident and roasted the personality for her latest drama on the platform.

Related – How Alinity became Twitch’s most controversial streamer:

PewDiePie roasts Alinity for her 24-hour ban

The YouTuber was in the middle of an episode of LWIAY – a series where he reacts to fan submissions on his subreddit –  and came across a post featuring the Twitch streamer. “Alinity doesn’t forgive PewDiePie for calling her a Twitch thot,” the post read.

After reading the caption aloud, Pewds said “Oh no!” sarcastically, before turning to the camera and joking, “How about a stuck up b**ch!” The Swede followed up with a joke about her ban. “You hear Alinity got banned recently? We did it, gamers!”

He broke into laughter when he found out there had been a petition on to get her suspended. The entertainer then told his audience, “She insists it wasn’t a ban, but a suspension!” referring to tweets she had made after being penalized.

(Timestamp 09:28 for mobile users.)

While the Swedish star is clearly just joking around, this isn’t the first time he and Alinity have crossed paths. In 2018, the streamer became upset with him and filed a copyright strike against his channel.

Pewds made a video response, and called her out at the time for boasting about it.”Alinity the most likable genius of all time, of course admits publicly to abusing copyright law. She didn’t like what I said, so she wanted to take down the video!” he said.

On March 16, the popular YouTuber reacted to another clip of the streamer, this time of her being swiped at by her cat and called it a “happy ending” to the “Alinity versus cat” saga.

In 2018, Alinity threatened to issue a copyright strike against PewDiePie.

PewDiePie was, of course, messing around, as his humor is steep in sarcasm. The YouTuber often tackles current news for his audience of over 104 million subscribers, and isn’t afraid to crack a joke.

While there has been a lot of controversy surrounding Alinity’s latest ban, it should be noted that she deleted the VOD immediately after the infraction, and asked Twitch to extend her suspension beyond the 24 hours.