Pokimane shocked by streaming couple who “summoned” her with a seance

Virginia Glaze
Pokimane, YouTube / officialjacobsocarina, Twitch

Streaming star Imane “Pokimane” Anys got more than she bargained for after challenging fellow broadcasters to a timed Postmates eating challenge in exchange for gifted subscriptions.

While Pokimane is known for her hilarious interactions with fans and fellow streamers, she took these moments to the next level with a Mr Beast-esque challenge that involved not oodles of money, but food.

In the style of YouTube’s biggest philanthropist, Pokimane ordered food to both friends and random streamers, giving them a time limit in which to consume the grub exchange for 100 gifted subs.

Pokimane, TwitterPokimane is a massive name in the streaming industry, boasting over 3.7 million followers on the platform.

However, in the midst of her challenge, she ran into a couple who were streaming together, and offered to buy them a “romantic dinner for two” as part of the challenge.

She then hopped around to other broadcasts, such as those of Mizkif and Fuslie, to check in on their challenges before going back to the couple — who had written Pokimane’s name on their foreheads as a means to “summon” her back to their channel.

jacobsofficialocarina,TwitchTwitch streamer “jacobsofficialocarina” and his girlfriend got an unexpected surprise from Pokimane.

Needless to say, Pokimane was fairly flummoxed by this turn of events, asking, “Why do you guys have my name on your 4head?”

“We’re just vibing,” they replied — but that wasn’t the end of their antics, by far.

Pokimane quickly found out that they had even tried to summon her with a fake “seance” before her return, where the chanted over a candle with the lights off in a humorous interpretation of an occult ceremony.

To further add to the comedy, Pokimane gave them a follow during the “ritual,” prompting an excited “It worked!” from the couple.

Rather than challenging the duo to her Postmates challenge, she merely stuck around until their food was successfully delivered, going on to speak with another small streamer who literally cried tears of joy thanks to Pokimane’s generous donation of grub.

Mizkif and Fuslie, however, struggled through their individual challenges, with the male streamer successfully eating an entire order of spicy wings while Fuslie couldn’t get through her medium-sized pizza in time.

Thanks to Pokimane, two small streamers got a big shout out — and a ton of free food.