Pokimane left stunned after Twitch fan turns childhood toy into raunchy joke

Andrew Amos
Pokimane holding space invaders bearbrick

Twitch star Imane ‘Pokimane’ Anys was left stunned after one viewer made a raunchy joke about her Bearbrick, forever changing the meaning of the collectible to her.

Pokimane’s Twitch chat has become somewhat of a meme over the last couple of years. She’s a Twitch star, but this has led to its fair share of problems when it comes to “simps” derailing conversation on broadcast.

Nothing is really off limits. Whether she buys a new skateboard for the background of her stream, or playing games, eventually a viewer will pipe up with something out-of-pocket.

This time, it was about her Bearbrick collectible.

Pokimane was left blindsided by one Twitch fan’s joke about her Bearbrick.

“I’m sorry, I read something in chat and it really hurt my brain,” she said.

Bearbricks (or BE@RBRICKS) are a collectible toy made in Japan, which have become a ‘hypebeast’ staple in the last five years. They come in a wide range of designs, from superhero prints to flags, to just random text slapped on them.

So, of course someone had to make a raunchy joke about it.

“Someone said ‘wow I see you got a Bearbrick, that’s relatable because I’m bricked the f**k up,’” Pokimane explained, deadpan into the camera.

“Now I want to throw it in the trash. It was $300.”

In Poki’s eyes, the entire Bearbrick phenomenon is ruined ⁠— because she’s only going to think about that comment when she looks at her Space Invaders-themed toy.

“Every time I look at this poor bear, that’s what I’m going to think of. That’s so sad bro.”