Sodapoppin loses his lunch after charity goal makes him eat a tomato
During his charity stream, Sodapoppin lost his lunch after his community raised enough money to make him stop his game and eat a raw tomato.
One of the most popular things to do on Twitch, especially as you grow as a creator, is to use your platform to raise money for charity.
During fundraising streams, it’s common for creators to have things that the community can unlock after raising a set amount of money — and sometimes they’re not the easiest for the streamer to fulfill.
Sodapoppin‘s charity stream shows a perfect example of that, as he lost his lunch after being forced to eat a raw tomato in front of thousands of fans.
Sodapoppin gets sick off-screen after trying to eat a raw tomato
While streaming to raise money for Games For Love, the newly minted OTK co-owner’s list of unlockable goals included having to eat a tomato after raising $10,000.
It wasn’t long until that goal was unlocked, and Sodapoppin began eating the raw fruit.
He almost immediately began gagging as he took his first bite and ended up going off-camera to let it all go.
After returning to his chair, Sodapoppin noticed various people in his chat calling him out for not finishing it entirely.
“I don’t care. You know what? Send an angry email to Obama and let him know that I have scammed you and let’s see what he does. I didn’t finish the tomato. Let’s see if anyone reads that email with any level of seriousness,” he jokingly replied.
“I didn’t finish the tomato, I can’t.”