Streamer SuppyColleen hits out at Twitch for rejecting appeal of indefinite ban

Julian Young
Twitch Streamer SuppyColleen Indefinite Ban Upheld Final

Twitch streamer ‘SuppyColleen’ has criticized the streaming platform for rejecting her appeal of an indefinite suspension, which she claims was because of someone else flashing on her broadcast.

Twitch constantly faces scrutiny over the moderation, with content creators often left unclear on the exact cause of their suspension or how they can avoid it in future. In the midst of the streaming platform’s on-going ‘hot tub’ meta, more questions have been raised about the transparency and consistency of bans.

In another case of this pushback, Twitch streamer SuppyColleen blasted the platform after rejecting an appeal of the indefinite ban placed on her channel for displaying inappropriate content  — a ban that she says was handed out unfairly.

“Why are they so pressed about what happened? Twitch is so unfair,” the streamer lamented in a post on Twitter, where she shared a screenshot of the email she received from Twitch in response to her appeal.

After being banned in early 2021 – her third ban since December 29 – the streamer sent an appeal to Twitch, trying to get her account restored and the suspension lifted. It’s likely because it was a third community guideline violation that an indefinite ban was given.

However, after sending her appeal, the streamer received no response from the platform. She followed up again, and did hear back from them on the second occasion, but only in the form of a straightforward message stating that her ban was to be upheld.

“Caitlin can still stream and do whatever she wants,” Colleen continued, referring to her streaming partner ‘SuppyCaitlin’. While Caitlin also could have been banned for displaying the inappropriate content in question, she never was — and in Colleen’s opinion, this is another example of a lack of consistency from Twitch.

In light of Twitch’s growing ‘hot tub’ meta, many on Twitter were quick to accuse Colleen of being banned for streaming that brand of content. However, she was quick to shut down these rumors.

“I never did a hot tub stream, I got banned for other people flashing [showing inappropriate content] while [Caitlin and I] were doing interviews,” she reiterated, explaining how she had been banned because of someone else’s actions on her channel, not for doing a hot tub stream.

Colleen’s streaming duo, Caitlin, remains an active channel on Twitch at the time of writing. It remains to be seen whether or not Twitch will reverse Colleen’s ban at some point in the future, but the situation is yet another case of a streamer feeling they’ve been banned unfairly without any explanation.