Summit1g explains why he hopes Sea of Thieves “dies” after new update

Calum Patterson

Popular Twitch streamer Jaryd ‘summit1g‘ Lazar can be partly credited for the resurgence of Sea of Thieves streaming and perhaps boosting popularity for the game generally, but now says he hopes the game “dies” after bad decision-making from devs.

Earlier in 2019, summit near single-handedly brought Sea of Thieves to mainstream attention on Twitch, inspiring many of the other big names on the platform to give it a go.

He, along with all the rest, gradually moved away though, with summit1g turning his attention to GTA RP and World of Warcraft for a time, before making a brief return to the pirate multiplayer game in July.

RareThe ‘Forsaken Shores’ update for Sea of Thieves brought “terrifying earthquakes” – but summit is not a fan.

His return may be very short-lived, however, as the new ‘earthquake’ mechanic appears to be ruining the experience for the veteran streamer.

While hiding on an enemy ship, attempting a sneaky raid, summit1g was randomly bumped from his hiding position by one of these said earthquakes, leading to his death as the crew onboard found him.

After trying another game, but dying another equally frustrating death, summit eventually had enough and let out his frustrations with a rant at developers Rare.

“Thank you Rare – you all fucking suck,” summit1g began, as he got up to take a break. “I hope that’s the last straw for your game right there, I hope your game is done. I hope it dies.”

He goes on to blame the developer’s poor “decision-making”, presumably referring to the addition of the ‘earthquake’ feature, as summit describes it.

It’s certainly not the first time that Lazar has lost his temper with Sea of Thieves, but some fans think it could be his last stint on the pirate game, as he quickly moved on to play Destiny 2 for the remainder of his July 3 broadcast.

With somewhat of a drought in new releases over the upcoming months, it can be a challenge for variety streamers like summit1g to find new games to keep their fans entertained while keeping their own sanity intact too.

Most major new game releases aren’t expected until Fall, meaning summit will need to find other ways to keep his stream fresh until then and, judging by his reaction here, Sea of Thieves might not be part of his plans going forward.