Tfue responds to pro bodybuilder Greg Doucette claiming he’s “not natural”

Daniel Cleary
tfue and greg doucette

Fortnite star Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney has fired back at popular bodybuilder Greg Doucette, who suggested he’s using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) after he shared photos of his workout progress on Instagram.

Tfue has built a massive fan base online since his rise to the top of Fortnite, with over 8.5 million followers on Twitch. However, after he shared an update showcasing his recent physical transformation, some were skeptical of how impressive his results were after just six months.

Among the critics was IFBB bodybuilder and fitness coach Greg Doucette, a respected figure in the fitness industry, who highlighted Tenney in his “Natty or Not” series using his ‘before and after’ pics to analyze his progress.

After explaining how difficult such a transformation is to achieve, while taking some lighthearted jabs at Tfue during the process, Doucette later claimed that it would be almost impossible to gain the muscle mass naturally and said it’s highly likely that he’s on PEDs such as steroids.

”I am saying that I would bet my life or your life, I would bet all lives on this planet against one dollar that he is not natural,” he added.

Doucette reiterated on a number of occasions that the transformation is extremely impressive and stated that Tfue has amazing genetics. However, the bodybuilding veteran stated that such improvements would take most people many years to achieve naturally.

The YouTuber’s criticism prompted a response from Tfue, who reacted to the video during his June 24 broadcast and fired back at Doucette, claiming he only calls people out for a response.

“I feel like he just calls people out, deep down he knows that I didn’t take steroids to get where I am,” Tfue explained, “but I feel he just says it to try to get me pissed and make a video back. I feel like he’s doing this for publicity.”

Tfue also added that Doucette shared few details on why he thought the Fortnite star was using steroids. The Twitch streamer later claimed that there was one simple reason for his rapid muscle growth.

While many gyms have been closed around the world, with different lockdown measures in place during recent months, Tfue says that the key to getting jacked so quickly his own fully-kitted home gym.

“They don’t want to believe that I got this big naturally because the quarantine was going on and nobody had a gym,” he said. “Meanwhile I have a full private gym that I spent like $100,000 on just for me and my friends to workout in.”

Tfue later compared his progress to PewDiePie, whose body transformation was also referenced in the video.

The Twitch streamer and claimed that it was unfair to compare  him to the incredibly popular YouTuber because Swedish star’s gym had much less to work with.