TikToker Cody Orlove’s dramatic messages to his ex leaked by hacker

Charlotte Colombo
cody zoe leak

Overnight, a mysterious hacker under the name of @btxsnail has seemingly taken over Cody Orlove’s Instagram account, posting a range of conversations and photos that not only sheds light on his troubled relationship with ex Zoe LaVerne, but also reveals that he has a new secret girlfriend.

Zoe LaVerne and Cody Orlove were largely seen as one of TikTok’s most long-term and happy couples. They were together for two years (briefly breaking up in March 2019 following allegations that LaVerne cheated) before eventually splitting for good in June 202o.

While the breakup was initially amicable, LaVerne soon accused Orlove of being physically abusive, while Orlove denied the accusations – claiming in a lengthy Instagram comment that they “both engaged in unhealthy behaviours” and were in a “toxic relationship.”

With leaked messages between LaVerne and Orlove now being made public, the true complexity of their relationship is unfolding.


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While the two are initially amicable, the conversation soon sours.

While an exchange between the two in July initially started off positive, with Orlove stating that he “only wanted to protect” Zoe, it didn’t take long for the conversation to take a more sour turn, with LaVerne hitting out at her “immature” ex for posting a “couple goals” photo with her friend and asking him to “stop talking about [her]” and “leave [her] alone”.

In response, Orlove denied these accusations asking her: “Why would I post that on my feed?”

“I haven’t hurt you close amount to the emptiness you put me through,” he continues.

He then requests that the two only communicate through lawyers from now on, to which LaVerne responds by saying she’s “broke” and can’t afford lawyers.

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The conversation ends with the two breaking off contact for good.

She says: “Like, it makes no sense? Like, you already know I’m broke so thank you. Shows me how much of a d*ck you are”.

As well as this tense exchange, the hacker also posted screenshots of a conversation between Orlove and Zoe LaVerne’s former best friend, Amber VanPelt, which sheds light on how these two friends became fractured.

As well as accusing 19-year-old La Verne of having an “intense” relationship with 13-year-old TikTok star Connor Joyce – which she claims is akin to “p**dophillia” – she also describes LaVerne as being “toxic to [her] mental health”, even going as far as posing as VanPelt’s ex boyfriend Jack on a texting app.

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The leaked conversation between VanPelt and Orlove contains a range of serious accusations against LaVerne.

VanPelt also claims that LaVerne “talks nothing but poor” of Orlove, claiming that he used texting apps to send hate to VanPelt and telling mutual friends that Orlove would “beat the sh*t out of her.”

Alongside these revelations about LaVerne, the hacker also uncovered evidence that Orlove was in a new relationship, as he uploaded an intimate image of him and another girl.

Orlove has told fans he is “aware of the situation”, explaining that he is “trying [his] best to end it”, while LaVerne appeared to deny all accusations made during an Instagram live. She was also joined by Connor Joyce, who encouraged fans to “spread love, not hate”.