TikTokers under fire for re-enacting Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial in “gross trend”

Dave Deiley

The Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp trial has been dominating TikTok for weeks. With re-enactments popping up as a new trend on the platform, friends of Heard’s have taken to Twitter to vent their frustration.

With the Heard v Depp trial picking up steam as a pop culture moment, for better or worse, it was only a matter of time for users on TikTok to start abstracting the trial away from the human emotion between two hurt people.

A recent trend sparked by Heard’s testimony picks up on perceived inconsistencies in a statement she makes. Heard claims to have walked into a room, been ‘slapped across the face’, and then turned to face Depp before confronting him about the slap.

The audio from this statement has been picked up and used in a parody of the idea that Amber turned after already entering a room.

With the re-enactment videos being seen millions of times, and remakes featuring cats, costumes, and dances popping up daily, there’s no sign of TikTokers slowing down in their consumption of the trial as a form of entertainment media.



Going on the offense, journalist, and friend of Heard’s, Eve Barlow opened up on Twitter to speak out against those “acting in bad faith.”

The statement from Barlow continues with the assertation that “anyone actively mocking testimony about abuse is contributing to that silence.”


The referenced silence being a documented reluctance to report domestic violence when it occurs.

This is amidst accusations that “Amber Heard might be using Eve Barlow’s Twitter account during the trial.”

Others have spoken up on the inappropriate nature of recreating the audio, stating: “Seemingly unpopular opinion but we shouldn’t be treating a domestic violence and sexual violence case like a Love Island season.”

Calling out perceived inconsistencies in the way the alleged abuse has been handled is a recurring comment in the backlash against the enactment TikToks.

There is a resounding echo on Twitter that the trial is dealing with difficult and painful memories for Depp, Heard, and anyone else who has gone through abusive situations at home.

The defamation trial is currently on a week-long break with the jury urged to desist from viewing anything related online, and is set to reconvene in Virginia on Monday, May 16.