Twitch streamer banned for 30 days for using word he didn’t know was offensive

David Purcell

A Twitch streamer’s choice of language during a livestream has landed him in hot water, but he’s since claimed that he didn’t actually know the word he used was offensive at all.

James D’Arcangelo, who goes by the name of Cloneman16, revealed on March 18 that he has been temporarily suspended from the streaming platform.

The ban that he’s been given will last up to 30 days, after using a term that Twitch deemed to be offensive enough to take action. 

The streamer is known for playing Overwatch on Twitch.

“Sadly I’ve been suspended for 30 days on Twitch, going to try and fix this,” he said in a tweet after his suspension was confirmed. 

The word used by the streamer was “mongoloid,” which is an offensive word that has been used in the past to label people with Down’s Syndrome.

“It was for hateful conduct for the word ‘mongoloid’. I didn’t know the true meaning of it until now and I would like to apologize for this,” he added. 

The streamer is known to play Overwatch for his viewers on Twitch but now, sadly for them, they will have to wait quite some time until they can tune into another one of his broadcasts again.