Twitch streamer freaks out after game suddenly shows nudity scene on stream

Dylan Horetski

Twitch streamer FanFan freaked out after her playthrough of Heavy Rain caught her off guard, suddenly showing a nudity scene during her recent broadcast.

As a Twitch streamer, one of the worst things that could happen is having a game or video suddenly show something that may violate community guidelines.

Popular streamer FanFan had this come true during a recent Heavy Rain stream as her in-game character took off their clothes to take a shower.

Being caught off guard, she promptly freaked out and her chat loved it.

FanFan freaks out after game shows nudity on Twitch stream

During her January 17 broadcast of Heavy Rain, FanFan was caught off guard by her character taking off its clothes.

She promptly started screaming before she said: “Omg, t*tties.” Her viewers also flooded the chat with their reactions.

One user said: “FanFan what are you showing us!!”

“BANNED,” another commented.

Dozens of her viewers were spamming “banned,” leading many to wonder if FanFan could actually get a ban for the sudden in-game nudity.

According to Twitch’s Community Guidelines, games that have nudity can potentially lead to a ban.

“Games are restricted from broadcast based on two criteria: The game violates our Community Guidelines as it applies to hate speech, sex, nudity, gratuitous gore, or extreme violence.”

However, since FanFan didn’t pause the game to focus on her character or bring excessive attention to the game during that scene, it’s unlikely that she’ll face any repercussions.

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