Twitch streamer shares heartwarming story of how his viewers stopped him being homeless

Virginia Glaze

Twitch streamer Alluviai shared a touching story during one of his broadcasts, where he thanked fellow streamer YourPrincess for ultimately helping him avoid homelessness.

Alluviai explained that YourPrincess had hosted one of his streams on her channel in December of 2017, which led to a friendship between Alluviai and a viewer from YourPrincess’s audience.

According to Alluviai, the viewer in question moved him to Las Vegas from California, where the streamer had had ‘no place to live.’

“People who found me because you hosted me ended up picking me off the street,” he said. “Thank you.”

YourPrincess appeared to be astonished at Alluviai’s testimony, which he shared with her during a Discord call.

“Are you serious?” she asked. “That’s so cool!”

Alluviai gave further clarification on the incident in a Reddit post, where he explained that he ‘didn’t really have a living situation’ for a majority of the year due to family issues.

“I used to live with my mom and step dad, but my step dad and I never really saw eye to eye on life,” he wrote. “But one day he gave my mom the choice of either him leaving, or me leaving, and she chose him.”

Alluviai likewise stated that his stepfather had made him quit his job to work for his company, but had kicked him out of the house the very next day.

Now, Alluviai is both employed and housed, and is grateful for his community’s continued support of his channel.