Tyler1’s reaction to a big donation is not what you would expect

Calum Patterson

Twitch streamer Tyler1 is one of the most popular on the platform, regularly attracting thousands of viewers, but when it comes to receiving big donations, he is brutally honest with his fans.

Many viewers on Twitch will often donate to their favorite streamers as a way of showing support, to ask a question or simply for the excitement of having their name read out.

Donations range from $1 to as high as $1,000’s for some big streamers, but when a viewer donated $100 to Tyler1, he called them a “dumbass”.

He did of course thank them, but also made clear that that money would be of a lot more help to the viewer than it is to Tyler1, as one of the biggest streamers on Twitch.

“That would help you a lot more than it would help me, little side note, I honestly don’t need that” Tyler says, before going on to thank the donator.

But even in thanking the donator, Tyler1 explains with sarcasm why he doesn’t want viewers donating him so much: “Thanks for donating that much to me – a humble, small, living on the edge streamer.”

Most streamers with the popularity of Tyler1, who has almost 2 million followers on the site, are living well, with thousands of paying subscribers, regular (smaller) donations and ad revenue.

It is a strangely honest response to such a large donation though, as most streamers, big or small, would simply thank the person and make no further mention of it, even if they know it would likely be of more use to the donator than them.