Viewers split after woman announces pregnancy at father’s wedding

Dylan Horetski
TikToker Ellaa Amber

A woman on TikTok has left viewers split after she uploaded a video revealing that she announced her pregnancy while making a speech at her father’s wedding.

Whenever a couple decides to get married, their wedding day is usually spent with everyone focusing on the couple.

It doesn’t always go that way, however, as TikToker ellaa_amber’s dad learned when Ella announced her pregnancy while making a speech on her father’s wedding day.

After she uploaded a video of the speech, viewers shared their thoughts in the comments and some think that Ella should have waited another day to make the announcement.

TikToker revealed her pregnancy during dad’s wedding

In the now viral video, Ella was giving a speech for her dad and new step-mom when she walked up to the table they were sitting at and gave him a gift.

After talking about a book that her father always read to her as a kid, the groom opened the first page to find his daughter’s ultrasound picture.

Quickly realizing that she was pregnant, he got up from the seat to give her a hug.

As the video went viral, TikTok viewers flooded the comments with their thoughts on her announcement, with some users giving her flak for choosing to do it during her dads wedding day.

“Time and a place. Maybe the next day would have been the right way,” one user commented.

Another said: “Think this was done with the best intentions, however, a wedding day is about the couple. Could have perhaps waited until the next day.”

Others were on the opposite side of the spectrum, with many thinking that Ella was fine revealing it when she did.

“I’m pretty sure at their age, petty stuff like ‘stealing thunder’ is not on their mind. They looked happy,” a viewer said.

Another commented: “I’m sure he was more than thrilled to be told he’s going to be a grandad!”