What does ‘OTP’ mean on Snapchat?

Georgina Smith
Snapchat logo next to hands holding phone

‘OTP’ is an acronym commonly found on social media platforms like Snapchat and TikTok, and it carries various meanings across the internet.

Snapchat has become a leading app for users to easily exchange disappearing messages and photos. A place for users to share content with their contacts through the wildly popular ‘Stories’ feature.

As with any social media platform, there are a number of different terms and acronyms used on Snapchat. These are used to make it faster for people to communicate with each other.

But if you’re out of the loop, it can be hard to understand some of the phrases that are commonly used on the app.

If you’ve seen the term ‘OTP’ used in either direct messages, or someone else’s story, here’s everything you need to know about what it could mean.

OTP meaning on Snapchat

Snapchat logo on yellow background
Snapchat remains a hugely popular way for people to communicate.

OTP has multiple different meanings across the internet, but on Snapchat, it is commonly used to mean ‘On The Phone.’

You are most likely to see it used this way in a private message. For example, if you want to talk to someone but they are too busy, and they want to let you know that they are on the phone. It could also be used when someone is asking to talk to you on the phone.

In texting, OTP can also stand for ‘One Time Password,’ which companies use to enhance security for their users.

But across TikTok and many other social media apps, OTP is also commonly understood to mean ‘One True Pairing.’ A term fans use to talk about their favorite TV, film, and book couples and pairings.

You may see it used in this context on Snapchat, as well. As a result, make sure to be aware of what social media app you are on before using the abbreviations. After all, it could end up meaning something completely different.

If you want to learn more about how to use Snapchat, you can check out our other guides here.